Saturday, July 26, 2014

Binary Filter

Alright I think I'm pretty close to completing this pedal.  The filter switching system works and the knobs do what they're supposed to do for the most part. The filter network is a little bit off. Because of that, the filters switch between potentiometers, but the bass side of the filter network doesn't quite sound right.  It has a gated sound to it.  Also after 12 o'Clock the filters start to let in some hiss.  The toggle switches don't do that much at this point. They help remove some of the hiss but I used the wrong type of capacitors.  I'm not sure how much at this point.

1.) Using 2n5088s transistors, but I need to check out the difference between those and 2n5089, as of right now this sounds close to a fuzz pedal already at max gain settings. Apparently 2n5088s seem to get fuzzy, whereas 2n5089s have more gain but retain a certain amount of clarity that the 2n5088s don't have.
2.) I have option of including a coupling polyfilm capacitor between the tonestack and the output section.
3.) I need to switch out the polyfilm capacitors in the tonestack for ceramic capacitors to see if this makes any difference.  Also a quick check of the filter networks will help me see what is going on with the Low pass filter.

Another idea based on this circuit would be to use two rotary switches to switch between input capacitors and just uses 1 filter network.  This would be interesting in that the initial frequencies would be somewhat filtered, and then further tailored in the tonestack.  So you could have 2 different versions of the same tonestack setting.

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